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Posts Tagged ‘report’

Alternative 3

In Documentaries on January 14, 2011 at 9:45 am

This black operation involves huge underground tunnels and cities, extraterrestrial bases on the moon and Mars, and utilizes anti-gravity flying disks and huge cigar shaped craft to shuttle between the earth, moon and Mars. This 4:40 hour video documentary offers an amazing amount of proof and concludes that Alternative Three is not a hoax, but a real program. There is evidence that Alternative Three may be at Tithonia and is excavating the site. Explores the claims of Bob Lazar and John Lear, both of whom claim we have secret bases on the moon and Mars and have had them for years. Also deeply explores Alternative One, chem-trails, the coming Ice Age and much, much more. This is a must for the serious person looking for the real truth behind many odd sightings around the world today